Discover your Power in Health and Life

Our Approach and Mission

Are you seeking amazing health, vitality and happiness? At Integrative Health a Management, we get you back in control of all that you long to change. We treat your body as a whole and this means your stress and emotions. We use approaches to leave you feeling uplifted, healthy, and to help keep you there. We will work with you to heal, and all around you will see changes in your life for the better!

Functional Medicine

A new approach to medicine. Functional medicine focuses on the patient as a whole to determine the root causes of diseases. It involves processes to evaluate underlying factors that may have to do with bodily imbalances and dysfunctions rather than just treating the symptoms with multiple medications.

Indigo Quantum Biofeedback

The Indigo Biofeedback is an extraordinary device that is a looking glass into the body. It gathers information and makes assessments regarding the state of the body, health status, condition and stress level in very deep detail. The treatment is painless, and patients stay in a comfortable, relaxed position. After assessments are made, which begin to occur in the first three minutes of a session, the device can recalibrate any condition or ailment to allow the body to begin healing. The initial session is approximately 1.5 hours. Follow up sessions are 1 hour.

Stress & Energy Management/Healing

Stress is on the rise. How are you navigating through it? Is it having a negative impact on you? Are you feeling anxious, fatigued, sick, getting common colds frequently or other unresolved conditions? Do you suffer from more severe ailments or conditions such as anxiety, depression, pain, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis? The energy of stress can cause the body to have decreased ability to deal with disease and stress.

Detox Foot Bath

The BodyGuard footbath is a foot detoxification method that helps give your body a break from toxins. The ionic footbath helps pull toxins, chemicals, poisons, pesticides, heavy metals, and free radicals from the body as the probes work to help eradicate viruses, bacteria, fungus, and parasites.

PinPointe FootLaser for Fungal Toenails

Stop suffering the pain and embarrassment of unsightly nail fungus. PinPointe FootLaser is the easy and convenient procedure that helps turn your discolored and disfigured nails into clearer, healthier looking nails.


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